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近几年来,我国网球运动蓬勃发展,前程似锦,但是世界级网球高手随处闪现,在技战术水平、心理素质等都优于同龄中国选手。不难发现,我国距离体育强调还有很长一段距离,只有大家齐心协力,共同努力,明确网球发展动向,才能实现体育大国向体育强国的跨越。因此,本文首先介绍新时期体育强国的要求,然后分析我国网球与世界网球强国的差距,最后研究体育强国视域下我国网球发展趋势。  相似文献   
侗族拥有丰富绚丽的民族文化,民族体育活动方面,有"民族体育之乡"的称号,完整保留了许多传统体育项目,一些项目被纳为国家少数民族传统体育比赛项目中。哆毽是侗族特色体育项目之一,通过调查发现哆毽项目开展情况不佳,哆毽文化被忽视,其影响因素是传统体育价值观迷失、侗族文化根基被忽视。提出了有关哆毽融变发展的建议,成立"哆毽节"、开办侗族传统体育训练基地、规范哆毽教学内容、哆毽技术动作编程健身操等措施。  相似文献   
高职院校高等数学教学面临很多问题,如何解决这些问题是很多高校面临的一个课题。从如何"赋能"教师以提升职业素养和实践能力,"升级"教材以推动教材改革,"激活"教法以推动教学改革等方面系统地论述了一些可供借鉴的观点和做法。  相似文献   
做好疫情防控档案的收集、整理和利用工作对于提升我国的疫情防控水平具有重要的意义。因此,本文结合非典和新冠肺炎疫情,分析如何做好疫情防控档案管理。本文首先对疫情防控档案进行了定义,然后分析了疫情防控档案的特点和作用,接着对疫情防控资料的归档范围进行了明确,最后对疫情防控档案的管理明确了要求。  相似文献   
充分了解学生是学校做好学生工作的重要前提。在学生管理实务中,高校知情权与学生隐私权之间的矛盾冲突主要表现为学生的个人信息被泄露、个人领域被入侵、私人活动被曝光等。其外因在于相关法律法规不完善,内因在于高校与学生间复杂的校生关系。因此,政府要进一步完善相关立法工作,高校要根据依法治校的要求科学管理,大学生要遵规守纪、合法维权。  相似文献   
This study seeks to understand the emotional connection of teachers' academically productive talk (APT) with student learning from the students' perspective. Using a sample of 2,225 students (N7th grade = 1,146 and N8th grade = 1,079) from 16 middle schools in a city of China, we investigate the relationship between students' perceptions of their teachers’ APT, student emotions (enjoyment and anxiety) and their discursive engagement with others in the mathematics classroom. Results from structural equation modelling and mediation analysis show that after controlling for gender, family resources and mathematics achievement, student-perceived teacher APT was positively associated with their discursive engagement with classmates. Furthermore, student enjoyment and anxiety in class mediated the relationship between student-perceived teacher APT and student discursive engagement with classmates. Multi-group analysis revealed that the model was invariant across genders and grades, indicating that the associations were applicable to male and female students as well as to seventh and eighth graders. These findings shed light on the emotional relationship of teacher APT with the discursive engagement of their students. Although prior research observes a positive relationship between teacher productive classroom talk and student discursive engagement primarily through classroom observations and teacher reflections, this study provides evidence from the students’ perspective and highlights the mediating role of student emotions in the relationship.  相似文献   
网络舆情衍进指数构建与实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]提出和构建网络舆情衍进指数,以描述网络舆情演化过程中常衍生出新的子话题的现象,对于舆情预警、预测具有重要的理论及实践意义。[方法/过程]以文本聚类结果和文本聚类有效性为依据,提出网络舆情衍进的判别标准和舆情衍进指数的构建过程,并以"教科书老赖"这一事件作为样本数据进行实证分析。[结果/结论]所构建的舆情衍进速率指数可以用于描述舆情衍进。在突发期阶段话题舆情衍进指数最高,此后逐渐下降,这一阶段的舆情衍进最为剧烈,子话题的出现呈现爆发性增长;舆情衍进指数在舆情蔓延期内出现阶梯式下降,此后保持为负值,舆情的子话题开始逐渐减少,舆情内容本身由发散转为收敛;进入消散期后,子话题数量趋于稳定。作为舆情衍进速率的测度和舆情衍进的判别方式,舆情衍进指数为舆情监管和舆情预警提供了全新的角度。  相似文献   
心理距离视角下网络舆情传播意愿影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的/意义]网络舆情传播意愿的形成是网民的一种心理活动,与心理距离密不可分。了解影响网络舆情传播意愿的主要因素,有助于监督管控部门更加卓有成效地对网络舆情进行预警和治理。[方法/过程]通过对心理距离理论的深层次剖析,对其构成进行阐述,并从时间距离、空间距离、社会距离、概率4个维度出发,做出系列理论假设,利用调查问卷法和最优尺度回归分析法,识别出主要影响因素及其重要程度。[结果/结论]最终归纳出7个影响网民改变其自身传播意愿的主要因素,即报道时间、家乡相关、向往地相关、生活相关、亲戚朋友发布、媒体官方发布、企业官方发布,从这7个影响因素出发监控舆情,可以帮助舆情管控部门更有针对性地掌控舆情的传播方向。  相似文献   
Seventy-nine 3-year olds and their mothers participated in a laboratory-based task to assess maternal hostility. Mothers also reported their behavioral regulation of their child. Seven years later, functional magnetic resonance imaging data were acquired while viewing emotional faces and completing a reward processing task. Maternal hostility predicted more negative amygdala connectivity during exposure to sad relative to neutral faces with frontal and parietal regions as well as more negative left ventral striatal connectivity during monetary gain relative to loss feedback with the right posterior orbital frontal cortex and right inferior frontal gyrus. In contrast, maternal regulation predicted enhanced cingulo-frontal connectivity during monetary gain relative to loss feedback. Results suggest parenting is associated with alterations in emotion and reward processing circuitry 7–8 years later.  相似文献   
随着信息技术快速发展,微课作为新的教学形式在教育行业中得到普遍使用,这也为推动高校体育教学改革提供新的思路与方法。文中以高校体育教学现状为切入点,分析基于微课的翻转课堂教学模式在高校体育课堂上的应用,大幅度提高体育课堂教学质量,发挥体育课程提高学生身体素质的作用,奠定学生走上工作岗位的身体基础。  相似文献   
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